Sensitive Patient Data from London Hospital Leaked by Hackers

LONDON: Alleged hackers have published patients’ sensitive data from a private hospital in London.

Sensitive Patient Data from London Hospital Leaked by Hackers
Image Source: Canva (free)

According to a Geo News report, hackers have published blood test data of patients from a London hospital. Hackers have published about 400 GB of patients’ data on the dark web and their Telegram channel.

Cybercriminal gangs are trying to extort money after hacking NHS provider data.

The report stated that on June 3, hackers gained access to the computers used by 2 NHS trusts in London, stealing their information and rendering them inoperable. Due to this, there was a serious breakdown in the blood transfusion and tests system in some London hospitals, due to which more than 1100 operations had to be canceled.

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The published data includes details of patients’ dates of birth, NHS numbers, and blood tests, as well as a spreadsheet containing financial arrangements between hospitals and GP services.

NHS England has said that it is aware of the publication of the data but cannot say with absolute certainty about its reality.

Hackers involved in such incidents often demand money in Bitcoin.

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