Why Is The Average Age Decreasing? As Soon As The Scientist Told, The Government Took Away The Job

In March, a scientist was fired for making controversial statements during the third international scientific and religious conference ‘Godman World’. The Russian scientist claimed in his statement that before the Bible, humans lived up to 900 years, but due to some special reason, their lifespan has decreased.

Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science recently fired the director of the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences for allegedly making a statement. Geneticist Alexander Kudryavtsev (Alexander Kudryavtsev) was appointed director of the Russian Institute of General Genetics. Made director of the Academy of Sciences in June 2021.

He had to complete his assignment by 2027. But last month, Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science announced that Alexander had been fired.

A man lived for 900 years

In March last year, he was sacked due to controversial statements he made during the third international scientific and religious conference ‘God-Man-World‘.

The Russian scientist claimed in his statement that before the Bible, humans lived up to 900 years, but because of their ancestors and their sins, people’s lifespans were shortened.

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Speaking during the conference, Alexander Kudryavtsev also said that sins affect the human genome, predisposing them to negative health consequences.

Alexander said that while atheist scientists would blame the genetic decline on factors such as radiation or pollution, they believed it was caused by sin. “These are the types of mutations that genetic doctors encounter every day when they work with patients,” Alexander said. Atheist scientists will tell you that it is caused by radiation or pollution.

Yet, I believe that such destruction begins with sin, grows with parental sin, and with personal sin. The scientist also warned his audience not to sin because it could affect their children for seven generations.

He said I want to emphasize the harmful effects of so-called bad habits – what theologians call sins. They also affect the genome.

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The commission that sacked Alexander said his statements had no scientific basis.

He was just reading the Bible. But science has advanced a lot since biblical times and knows how long the earth has existed, when humans appeared as a species, etc.

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