Solar Eclipse on April 8 Could Potentially Damage Phones and Cameras

Scientists fear that the total solar eclipse on April 8 could potentially damage phones and cameras.

Solar Eclipse on April 8 Could Potentially Damage Phones and Cameras
Image Source: Canva (Free)

According to Click on Detroit, those wishing to view the total solar eclipse this month on Monday, April 8, are being advised to use special equipment or special glasses to view the eclipse.

Experts say that just as a solar eclipse can damage the eyes, it can also damage phone cameras.

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According to experts, if you are planning to watch or photograph the April 8 total solar eclipse with your mobile phone camera, the lens of your mobile camera should focus on the sunlight to get a clear picture. which may damage or destroy the device.

How can a solar eclipse damage your phone’s camera?

The phone camera will increase the intensity of the sunlight and the ability of the lenses to show it clearly, which can damage it.

In such a situation it is especially advised that people avoid looking through the viewfinder of the camera especially when it is angled directly towards the sun as the bright light can cause severe eye damage.

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Camera lenses can be shielded with filters to protect them from damage.

Just like you protect your eyes with your glasses, prescription lenses also act as filters to protect your eyes.

Buying approved filters that meet safety regulations for viewing the solar eclipse is as important to your eyes as it is to your cameras, say experts.

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