Nawaz Sharif has Come to Pakistan with a Guarantee Under the London Plan: Imran Khan

The founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan says that he knows Nawaz Sharif well, he does not play a match without two umpires, and he has come to Pakistan with a guarantee under the London Plan.

Talking to reporters in the court room in Adiala Jail, Imran Khan said that Nawaz Sharif is a certified money launderer. No one asks the case of Maryam Nawaz, Shahbaz Sharif and Asif Zardari.

A journalist asked Imran Khan why he did not support Sheikh Rasheed, to which Imran Khan replied that he had made a rule that he would not give tickets to him who held a press conference against the party.

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The journalist asked if any foreign ambassador or establishment contacted you. In response to which PTI founder said that no one contacted me.

Imran Khan further said that the article published in a foreign journal was dictated to the lawyers.

Imran Khan was asked whether he is ready to negotiate. He said that whatever they do, we will fight till the end.

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