A Rare Water Allergy: The Story of 22-Year-Old Loren Montefusco

A 22-year-old girl from the American state of South Carolina stopped bathing due to a severe water allergy.

According to the Daily Mail, 22-year-old Loren Montefusco told the media about her illness and that it is challenging for a young girl to face this situation.

A Rare Water Allergy: The Story of 22-Year-Old Loren Montefusco
Image Source: Daily Mail

According to the report of the Daily Mail, Lorraine is suffering from a dangerous type of allergy, ‘Quakeogenic Urticaria’. People suffering from this allergy cannot use water in any form because after using water, they get red spots or small bumps on their bodies. Ulcers form, there are only 37 recorded cases of this disease in the medical literature, due to which medical experts describe this disease as rare.

Loren Montefusco told the media that “whenever I shower or use water, I get severe itching, this situation lasts for an hour. I first experienced this allergy when I was 12 years old. However, with the passing years, my pain increased and after three years, the doctors diagnosed me with allergies.”

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A Rare Water Allergy: The Story of 22-Year-Old Loren Montefusco
Image Source: Daily Mail

The report also stated that since there is reportedly no cure for the allergy, Loren Montefusco avoids showering as much and tries to dry off as soon as possible after showering when necessary because cold air can aggravate the pain.

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Loren Montefusco added that the only solution in such a situation is to use ‘body wipes’ because these wipes prevent water from getting in, but unfortunately avoiding bathing alone is not effective for this allergy, as Loren found seawater here. Even your sweat can cause this allergy.

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